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Heirloom Edition
© 2007 KinLore™

Keepsake EditionKeepsake Edition - your choice of Interview in full CD-quality stereo, presented on an audio CD as one continuous track. 

The Keepsake Edition offers an affordable way to capture your family or community stories.  It can be upgraded later to more accessible editions.

Initial production*  $99
Packaged disks  $16 each

Heirloom EditionHeirloom Edition - your choice of Interview in full CD-quality stereo, presented on an audio CD divided into continuous titled tracks.  The case includes a handy track list card. 

The Heirloom Edition features indexing that marks each story and episode.  Listeners can easily enjoy the entire conversation, or just one story of special interest. 

Initial production*  $199
Packaged disks  $18 each
Keepsake upgrade  $100

Archival EditionArchival Edition - your choice of Interview in full CD-quality stereo, presented on an audio CD divided into continuous titled tracks.  The case includes both a handy track list card and a transcript booklet printed on acid-free paper. 

The Archival Edition is most suitable for placement in public or private libraries as a resource for future research. 

Initial production*  $299
Packaged disks  $28 each
Heirloom upgrade  $100
Separate booklets  $10 each

* For Community Interviews, add $150 for additional production work.